
General => Otros => Mensaje iniciado por: Organisation en 11 de Junio de 2010, 11:27:46 AM

Título: Register now as videographer and/or photographer for smart times 10!
Publicado por: Organisation en 11 de Junio de 2010, 11:27:46 AM
The smart community makes the best videos and pictures. YouTube and flickr are the living proof.

Your job is documenting smart times 10 with self-made movies and/or pictures. smart times 10 will be held from 20th to 22nd August 2010 in Zell am See/Kaprun in Austria.

The best smart times 10 movie and the best smart times 10 picture will win and the smart fan community will decide who. Win the stay at smart times 11 for two persons and two nights! In addition to the stay, you will become a smart times team member, officially accredited as videographer or photographer for smart times 11.

Please register until 16th July 2010 directly via email Just send your creative card – a picture or video of your smart car. We are looking forward to your contribution!

lautstark and smart get the rights to use and publish contributed videos and pictures.

Please check out for more information:   

Thank you,

smart times 10